Interloper, 2025
8' x 24" x 18", String, fabric, steel rod and poured acrylic paint
Interloper, 2025, Is my latest installation examining a very recent public figure. The interloper is a party crasher.  It can appear anywhere (hallways, stairs, on the television) It invades space without your permission and laughs at "No Trespassing" signs. Oxford Language defines it as “a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.”
The undulating strings represent a national consciousness and conversations of an unsettled nation, full of anxiety and sudden awareness of danger. Although the strings appear to hang in isolation, upon close inspection, they are simultaneously entangled, sharing a common journey and destiny into the tar pit.
There is an interloper present among us. Don’t let him drag you to the tar pit.
2017, 4’ x 6’
Discarded socks, wood, wire and bullet casings.
This project embodies the moment of the transformation of a soul into a mere statistic. Each sock documents the removal of a sock from a body and the instant a toe tag was attached to each of the 1097 victims which were caught up in the struggle between American law enforcement and American citizens.

2017, 4’ x 6’
Acrylic on canvas and gunpowder
I seek to understand gun violence on the body. This work was painted entirely without tools, using only hands and feet to move paint on the canvas. The material and paint is embodied as a metaphor for flesh and the canvas experiences the same violence and force of a gunshot.
 2017, 1’ x 7’ x 6.5’
String, eye hooks and bullet casings
This project illustrates the consequences of the racial tension between African American communities and law enforcement
Left Brain, Right Brain, Blue Brain, Red Brain , 2021
3" x 4" x 4", Hand dyed merino wool, cheesecloth and string
2016, 8” x 8” x 22”
Media transfers on canvas
This work is a post-election documentation of the 600% increase hate crimes after the 2016 Presidential election. The work confronts the influence of the Trump brand on the increase of and a renewed acceptability of hateful speech and actions
“Sink, suffer, self-destruct
Rise stronger, reconstruct” - Lamb of God
2017, 1’ x 12’/ 2024 reworked, 16" x 36" x 1"
Warp and weft threads woven fabric
My installation reflects on the strength of an American symbol. The unraveling and reordering the threads of the fabric was an intimate and careful process which attempted to discover a system of order or disorder through disassembling an American flag.. The abstraction of threads conveys a precarious fragility and sense of loss, but also an incredible strength and an unwillingness to unravel. I occasionally incorporate the use of powerful American symbols, iconic images or objects to facilitate self-reflection in the viewer, provoke conversations, and comment about a modern America. How strong is our union? Fragile or strong? Only the fibers can illuminate the truth.
Brain Dead
2016, 37” x 48”
Acrylic on canvas, media transfers
This work investigates how powerful political and news brands (MSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, NBC, and ABC) directly influence the individual’s ability to make independent informed decisions as a participant in a larger voting community. The power and influence of these organizations on individuals has created a walking, talking automatons, robots, or a mannequin public unable to articular their own voice.
Palestinian Child,  2015,  22” x 28”, Oil on canvas
Bombing,  2015
 22” x 28”, Oil on canvas
Victims of the Nigeria School Slaughter,  2015,  
30” x 40”, Oil on canvas
Triptych commenting on the violence directed at children in the global struggle against terrorism
Consequences of both foreign and domestic politics

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